Ireland’s Blue Book is a collection of independently run Country House Hotels, Manor Houses, Castles and Restaurants. Located throughout the Island of Ireland, these charming and stylish hideaways are the perfect choice for your holiday in Ireland.
The association is over 40 years old now, and Currarevagh is one of four remaining founder members of Ireland’s Blue Book, my parent’s Harry and June having started the Blue Book with 5 other similar houses in 1974. We are delighted to maintain our membership every year since, and aspire to the standards it sets in hospitality, comfort and unique experience.
We are thrilled when guests choose to use their Ireland’s Blue Book Vouchers with us here at Currarevagh, as many do. It is hugely appreciated that you have chosen us to spend it with, and we value this immensely. Below are some frequently asked questions relating to Ireland’s Blue Book Vouchers which may help.
Do you take Ireland’s Blue Book Vouchers at Currarevagh House?
Yes absolutely and always thrilled to.
How do I book at Currarevagh with and Ireland’s Blue Book Voucher?
As normal, through any method you like – online here, by phone, through the Blue Book website, by email, whichever suits.
How do I pay with an Ireland’s Blue Book Voucher?
On check out present the voucher and that amount comes off your account. No fees, no sneaky bits. We take the voucher and then redeem it with the Ireland’s Blue Book office.
What happens if I don’t use all my Ireland’s Blue Book Voucher?
We will take the voucher, write on it how much has been used and how much is remaining, photocopy it, then we keep the photocopy and give you back the original. You can use whatever amount remains at any other property you like in Ireland’s Blue Book. Or for your next stay with us of course.
Do I need to bring my Ireland’s Blue Book Voucher with me?
Yes, we need to have the original. But if you leave it behind you can always post it on.
Help! My Ireland’s Blue Book Voucher expired 17 years ago.
Doesn’t matter if its 17 days or 17 years out of date. Once you have the original we will always accept. Even before new legislation came into effect in Ireland about expiry dates on vouchers, members of Ireland’s Blue Book always accepted expired vouchers, again once you have the original. Our record is 17 years out of date. The Ireland’s Blue Book head office will reissue expired vouchers also if you prefer.